A renewable (lead) resource

next time you fork over $15.99



My favorite brand of eggs is now $15.99 per dozen.

Makes we wish we still had backyard chickens.

(Yes, I’m one of those guys.)

Don’t worry, this email isn’t about inflation, regulation, suburban agriculture, or bird flu.

It’s about the magic of owning a renewable resource.

Like a chicken.

If you give a chicken some water and a place to wanted around and eat bugs, it’ll pop out an egg nearly every day.

And as long as you only eat the eggs (not the chicken) the eggs will keep coming.

Requiring minimal ongoing input from you.

Now, chickens don’t pop out eggs on day one.

If you get them as chicks, you have to give them lots of inputs (food, water, warmth) for months with nothing in return.

But if you stick with it, you’ll enjoy (what seems like) free eggs daily, for years.

So why doesn’t every egg lover own chickens?

Aside from your average HOA Karens, most people do not want to put in the upfront work.

The months of input with no return.

Instead, they are content to pay per dozen, where each new egg requires a direct new investment.

In the world of eggs, they can do this their entire lives and still survive.

Even at $15.99 per dozen, it’s not a large cost, relatively speaking.

But in the world of business, you are at a significant disadvantage if all of your eggs (leads) require a new direct investment.

(Don’t get me wrong, I love directly paying for leads using Facebook ads. Except when they change the algo, remove certain targeting features, or ban new industries from BOF campaigns… Ads are great, unless they are your only strategy.)

In the world of business, there is a way to grow a type of renewable audience resource that pops out new leads (and sales) daily.

(That is, after you’ve given it plenty of food, water, and warmth.)

What is it?

Relationships with other audience leaders.

I’ve spoken about my friend Tomer before, so this time I’ll leave out the parts about how he’s grown a brand close to $1M is annual revenue mostly using these relationships…

…Or how he’s helped other brands generate upwards of $3M in sales using his strategies, systems, and scripts.

Next week, Tomer is hosting a $100 live training to go over what he calls The Seeding Code.

The concept is PLANT>SPROUT>HARVEST, just like raising a chicken.

(Close enough.)

Tomer is one of the best in the game at helping brands create real renewable resources in their business.

If you’d like to start collecting an egg a day instead of forking over another $15.99 every week, check out what he’s doing:




or to participate.