The Email Magic Sorting Hat


I’ve been working on my insane new welcome automation all week.

To sum up, I’m going to collect some info from new subscribers when they join, then use that data to sort them into very helpful, highly relevant automations.

For example-

If someone joins and needs help growing their list, I’ll be able to immediately deliver some strategies and tactics that are relevant to their exact situation.

This will boost engagement and sales conversions, while decreasing unsubscribes.

It will also be a far better experience for everyone who joins.

Here’s a screenshot of a single branch of the level one welcome automation. (There are three more level one branches that look like this. Then, there are more levels.)

It’s not finished, but I’ve built most of the sorting logic for level one.

Next, I’m writing a bunch of email copy.

Finally, I need to fully build levels 2 and 3, (maybe 4?) where a lot of free content + paid offers will be presented.

Seriously, this is going to feel like a private coaching call with me when it’s complete.

If you think this sounds cool and want to participate, you can fill out the first survey here.

(If you already did, you do not need to fill it out again.)

Nothing will happen today, but you’ll be eligible to receive the cool stuff I’m about to deliver when it goes live.


or to participate.