Good news and bad news and good news

and more good news

Today I have good news, and bad news, and good news, then more good news about Mail Mages, the Email Magic Premium subscription.


First of all, what is Mail Mages?

Before I get ahead of myself, let me explain what Mail Mages is in case you haven’t heard of it before.

Mail Mages are paid subscribers to the premium version of this newsletter.

In addition to the free content I send out weekly, Mail Mages get these additional benefits:

  • Valuable how-to training videos

  • Mini-courses

  • Additional value-packed emails

  • Access to a monthly Ask Me Anything Zoom call

  • Discounted 1 on 1 coaching calls

The Good News

I am lining up a roster of guest experts to come and present exclusive training and Q&A to the Mail Mages once per month.

These are people who have generated millions of dollars in online sales using copywriting, email marketing, and organic and paid traffic.

Some of them are former mentors, others are former students. But each of them is a successful practitioner with a valuable skillset, willing to share it with you.

Access to these people individually may cost upwards of $1000 per hour of their time, but access to these live trainings will be free to all Mail Mage Premium subscribers.

The Bad News

A more premium offering comes with a more premium price tag. Some of these experts will charge me for their time, and I will need to ensure that their costs are covered by Premium subscription revenue.

Therefore, later this spring, I am going to significantly increase the price for new members. (Significant probably means adding a zero to the current price.)

More Good News

But for all current paying members of Mail Mages, the subscription price will remain the same for the life of their subscription!

(The subscription currently costs $9.99 per month or $99.99 for one year.)

Even More Good News

I’ll give you plenty of notice before the pricing changes. Right now, I’m targeting March or April 2024 for the change.

You’ll have an opportunity to sign up at the current price and keep it for the life of your membership.


Mail Mages is about to get even more valuable, and if sign up soon, you can enjoy all the benefits with no added cost.

If you want to view the upgrade page, click the button below.

(The subscription currently costs $9.99 per month or $99.99 for one year.)

Sign up before this Friday and get access to the next Ask Me Anything, which will be this Friday at 5PM ET!

Have a great week,


P.S. While my paid content is excellent, my free content is pretty great, too. You can catch the last episode of Marketing Magic with my friend Ben right here, where we discuss tips for those just starting out making money online.


or to participate.