Greatest Hits, but better

here's what's coming

Hi everyone,

I’m back from a restful and restorative vacation, and am getting this Email Magic Greatest Hits thing all set up for you.

But as I’ve been working on this, I realized something.

Yes, there is a lot of good, valuable stuff in the last 2 years of my emails.

But it’s not necessarily arranged in a fashion that makes sense.

And also, my own experience over the last 2 years working with dozens of entrepreneurs has changed how I think about some of these things…

So I’m going to deliver this a little differently than I first imagined.

Instead of a chronological rehash of old emails, I am grouping by topics and themes, and am going to deliver something that is cohesive, actionable, and enjoyable to read.

And mixed in, I am going to share the real-time growth and monetization results I’m getting with Beehiiv.

(For example, at this moment, I have 91 subscribers, and one of them is a premium member at $69/ year.)

So you’ll be getting all the “Greatest Hits,” but remastered.

The first two things I’m going to hit you with will be the 2 core requirements of a viable business:

  1. Customer Acquisition

  2. Customer Retention

Get ready for a multi-email deep-dive into each one.

This could quite possibly change your life.

Back soon,


P.S. Speaking of acquisition, most of you have probably heard of Alex Hormozi, Founder of He’s launching his new book “$100M Leads” this Saturday. It’s a live launch event, with bonuses for people who attend live. If you want to attend the live video feed and get some free bonus content, register here.



or to participate.