Idea Alchemy Details

let's cook

There are two common ways to get stuck making your next move:

  1. Analysis Paralysis. This is where you have a specific outcome in mind, but have no idea of how to get there from here. There are 15 different paths ahead of you, which one should you take? And after you kind of decide which way to go, you delay taking the first step until after you’ve polished your boots… and refilled your water bottle… and maybe you should buy a new hiking stick… and bring a rain poncho just in case… oh look, now it’s getting dark, best wait until tomorrow…

  2. One-Hit Wonder. You’ve already knocked one out of the park. But your second at bat didn’t go so well… same with the third, then the fourth. You start to wonder… was the first hit just luck? Are you actually any good? Fear, obsession, and self-doubt draw you into a pattern of either swinging for the fences or failing to swing the bat at all.

In both cases, the result is usually either wild risks or inaction. No middle ground.

The reason this happens is because of a lack of Productive Creativity. Productive Creativity is the ability to think up new ideas, new products, new processes, and new strategies that are different enough to be valuable, while being grounded in what already works.

A blend of new opportunity + predictability.

And even though we’ve all got the equipment to perform Productive Creativity sitting in between our ears, most people have never been taught how to make it run this particular program.

(I’ll save my rant about the ineffectiveness of institutional education for another day.)

The recipe that you follow to bake up Productive Creativity is called Idea Alchemy.

It’s the intentional, strategic combination of old ingredients (ideas) to form an entirely new dish.

And next week, I’m opening up my cookbook and inviting you into my kitchen.

Who’s this for?

If you must consistently create, then Idea Alchemy will give you a straightforward process for doing so. Content creators, copywriters, and physical and digital product creators will all benefit from this.

This training will help analytical, left-brained people to light a spark of creativity, while helping creative, right-brained people ground their dreams in reality and actually take fast action.

When is the training?

The live training happens next week:

Session 1 - Monday, October 21st @ 3PM EST

Session 2 - Tuesday, October 22nd @ 3PM EST

Optional Q&A - Thursday, October 24th @ 3PM EST

Each session will last approximately 1 hour.

All sessions happen live on Zoom, and recordings will be made available to all attendees.

What can I expect to learn?

“Creativity” is something that’s notoriously difficult to “make happen” in a predictable way. But based on neuroscience, philosophy, and the experience of many prolific creators, there are ways to create fertile ground for new ideas so that they consistently sprout and grow. Just like a farmer improving the soil of their field will reliably yield better crops, we can do the same.

And one of the greatest things about this knowledge is that not only can you use it on yourself to create new ideas, but you can use it on other people to implant new ideas in their heads. This is extremely helpful when trying to sell them something. ;)

Session 1 will cover Productive Creativity - Predictable creation of unique ideas, products and services.

Session 2 will cover Neuro-Induction - Implanting ideas in others.

What’s the cost?

There are two options to join. If you’d like to grab this single training and have access to the recordings, you can pay a one-time fee to get access:

If you want access to this training and many more, you can join the Email Magic Vault for a monthly fee:

Email Magic VAULT, $99 per month (Includes access to Idea Alchemy)

When is the deadline to sign up?

Hop in before Sunday, October 20th @ 12AM MST.

Live Zoom links will be sent to all attendees early on Oct. 21st.

Questions? Hit reply and LMK.



or to participate.