Looking for some busy little bees...

insert honeypot joke here

I have a secret weapon…

If you’re here, you may have noticed that I do this thing where I write a few emails every week and turn them into money.

While I also have my own eCommerce projects with their own email lists…

Email Magic is just me ranting about email, marketing, making money, helping others make money, and cul-de-sac lifestyle maxxing.

I’ve been writing a regular newsletter since 2021 (originally called “Greg’s Newsletter”), but didn’t take it seriously as a business until last fall.

Since then, my list has grown by nearly 500% and has generated roughly $30,000 in revenue.

What was the pivot?

I’ll tell you in a moment.

But first, I want to explain how this newsletter fits into my overall business ecosystem and lifestyle goals.

I mentioned above that I run some eCommerce ops. I also work with dozens of eCom brands as a coach and mentor.

And while you’ve probably seen those impressive-looking 6, 7, and 8-figure sales screenshots, there’s a dirty little secret that we don’t usually talk about to outsiders.

The revenue isn’t all profit, and when you’re in growth mode, most or all of the profit ends up back in inventory or acquisition.

Even as the revenue, profit, and business value skyrocket, the checking account is usually empty and the founder is usually broke AF.

And if they start writing themself checks, the growth grinds to a halt, and they become perpetually stuck at that level. The freedom business becomes a job they own and resent.

For most people, the only way out is to reinvest and scale high enough that you can sell the business for a fat 7 or 8-figure check.

(Which I love and strongly encourage.)

But that requires you to leave all the cash in the business…

…which brings us back to the problem of broke founders.

Thankfully, there is a way for eCom owners to “cash out” some of their sweat equity without affecting the business.

This technique has been exploited by people like Dave Asprey, Mark Sisson, Grant Cardone, Evan Van Auken, and Russell Brunson.

You see, each one of these people is building a personal brand separate from their business brands.

Dave Asprey build and sold Bulletproof Coffee, but continues to command a multi-million person social media following, that he uses to launch new brands, partnerships, and affiliate offers.

Mark Sisson started with a personal brand, blogging about the primal lifestyle. From that audience, he launched Primal Kitchen, a healthy condiment brand, and sold it for 9 figures a couple of years later.

In all of these cases, the founder is building a personal brand around their personal opinions, beliefs, and experience, and using the personal brand audience to enhance the growth of the business brand.

(People are more likely to connect with other people, not corporate logos.)

They are in essence their own influencers.

They can monetize the personal brand with digital products, affiliate promos, coaching and consulting, while the business brand grows without money being siphoned out.

And when they sell the business brand for a whack ton, they still own their personal brand and can do whatever they want with it.

See the power?


Now back to my own personal pivot.

You see, last fall, I unearthed a tool that has become my secret weapon.

Allowing me to grow my personal subscriber base by 500% in 8 months and generate $30k in revenue.

Some of you have already guessed the answer…

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