A magician showing you the trick

$2k out of a hat

I always drink my own Kool-Aid before offering a sip.

So earlier this week, I did the thing I’m about to teach.

Between Monday and Friday, I conjured $1000 out of thin air for a product that doesn’t exist (yet).

Here’s a Shopify report for a product I just presold:

Now, with a little cash in hand, I’m off to order the inventory.

The 80% margins mean I can order more than were presold, and also pocket some profit immediately.

Now I know some of you are not in the physical product game, but watch this:

Over the last 48 hours, I’ve presold 16 of the 20 available spots in the Zero to One beta launch:

…Which is another $1000 this week for a product that does not exist (yet).

(Zero to One is a course I’m creating that forces early stage entrepreneurs to make their first $1000.)

“But Greg, you have an audience and an email list!”


I have not promoted either of these things on social media, only email.

And in both cases, the offer was only sent to a fraction of the total list.

In the case of Zero to One, the offer to join the beta test was only sent to 40 people total.

And within 48 hours, 16 spots were taken.

The point is, I am going to show them how this is done, then force them to do it.

If Zero to One isn’t sold out by the end of the day, maybe I’ll send the offer to everyone else on Monday.

Have a great Easter weekend,


P.S. Are you down here looking for a link or a buy button? Sorry, not today.

Keep an eye out for what I send Monday.


or to participate.