🪄This is off the cuff

the Tuesday Tease

I had big plans this week.

An idea for a Black Friday offer to share with you…

But something unexpected happened that has derailed my plans, knocking me back to square one with only 72 hours remaining.

This is great news for you, because I’ve historically done some of my best work in the 11th hour.

Here’s what happened:

A couple of weeks ago, I shared a preliminary BFCM offer idea with the Mail Mages, my paid premium subscribers.

What happened next ruined my carefully laid plans for this week.

They loved the idea, and asked to sign up right away.

I ended up filling all 12 spots with nothing more than a simple Stripe payment link. I never even created a sales page or wrote a single email for the offer campaign.

So, the the thing I was going to offer is already filled up, and as of right now I do not have a back-up offer.

Therefore, I’m asking you for your help.

If you let me know what your biggest struggle with email marketing is, I will create something spectacular for you that will help you solve it.

Please give your feedback quickly, I’m in a time crunch. :)

What is your biggest struggle with email marketing?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Tune in tomorrow, I’ll share the results and let you know what’s next!

See you then,



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