The problem with mid famous

its the worst

The Apple text bubble popped up on the edge of my screen.

It was my wife.

“Hey who is that guy who is mid famous whose wife I talked to in OKC?”

She was at a conference and just ran into a guy who she was supposed to know…

…but she couldn’t remember his name.

Mid famous.

It’s when you’re known, but not well.

“Oh yeah, that guy. I think it’s John, or Jim. Or maybe Tim.”

mid famous

Mid famous is the worst.

It usually means someone put time, energy, money, or all 3 into “getting known.”

The local real estate agent with his face on faded park benches…

The tiny Thai restaurant sending direct mail coupons to random strangers who live nearly…

And the online business that posts stale Canva templates promoting their latest 20% off “sale” to their 197 followers.

It’s all just white noise, and it puts people to sleep.

I recently scolded one of my Copy Consigliere clients for pasting in some drab, mindless ChatGPT content into the body of his email.

99% of the time, it sucks and sticks out like a sore thumb.

I see people using it in Facebook posts, emails, landing pages…

…and the only purpose it serves is creating a higher baseline of mindless chatter and white noise.

“Oh yeah, that one guy. He posts all the time. But I forget, what does he do?”

If you’re trying to streamline or automate your messaging, you need to know what your messaging is first.

Otherwise, you’ll end up known but forgettable, mid famous like that one guy whose name escapes me at the moment.


One of the things I am helping clients with inside of Copy Consigliere is developing their brand voice and messaging.

They are learning how to make their brand stand out from the noise.

Once they have a message, voice and style, theoretically things could be automated effectively.

But usually, my clients come to enjoy forming their thoughts into words that positively impact others, and choose to keep doing it themselves.

It becomes one of their greatest superpowers.

I have 7 spots left inside of Copy Consigliere, but that’s not what this email is about.

Instead, if you can name the actor and movie reference from image #1, and name the biblical reference from image #2, I’ll give you a free sample of what we do inside of Copy Consigliere.

Just hit reply with your answers before Fri, Aug. 9 at 12PM EST.

Best of luck,



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