They sent me $0.01 USD


“_____ has sent you $0.01 USD”

The subject line caught my eye.

I glanced at the sender. It was from PayPal, no obvious spoofing.

Someone had sent me a penny:

penny from paypal

I opened the email, then instantly discovered what this was about.

In the message field was a desperate-sounding and poorly written direct response pitch for some sort of webinar.

And now I recognized the culprit.

A “service provider” whose email list I did not want to be on.

I’d already unsubscribed twice, and reported as spam once after that.

They had found a very clever way to get back in my inbox, by piggybacking on the legitimacy and trust of PayPal.

I rolled my eyes, dramatically.

You see, there is a big difference between persuading people and tricking them.

This was full-on trickery.

Sure, it’s a clever tactic to get into the inbox of someone who has already kicked you out, slammed the door, and locked the deadbolt.

But is it wise?

I don’t want to hear from this guy, and have let him know many times.

So what’s the likelihood of me ever becoming his customer?

It’s equal to the amount of trust I have in him. Less than zero.

But what’s the likelihood of me publicly poking fun at these clown tactics in my newsletter?

Well, here we are.

You see, you don’t need to make every sale.

Some people will never be your customers, and that’s ok.

In fact, pushing too hard might blow up in your face.

Instead, learn to attract ideal customers, like a magnet.

My next message will be all about how to be magnetic, and how to establish trust.

Your fan,


P.S. Premium Subscribers, did you get the registration link for my free AMA this Friday? It’s pasted below:

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