🪄The thing everyone asked for

open this today

Everyone wants a bigger email list.

(Because a bigger list means more revenue, right?)

But listen, adding more names to the list does not automatically make it more valuable.

In fact, adding too many of the wrong names can kill it completely.

(If open and click rates drop due to low quality subscribers, your emails may end up delivered to the spam folders of ALL of your subscribers.)

Therefore, building your list is important, but the way you build it is critical.

I don’t want you to get tripped up by accidentally adding a bunch of giveaway zombies, bots, or scraped site visitor spam reporters.

Or worse, dropping thousands on Facebook lead gen ads for hundreds (or -gulp- dozens) of subscribers who never open a single email.

Instead, what you really want is a larger group of people who are deeply interested in what you have to say (and what you have to sell), right?

I mentioned some of my experience with small, high value lists in a previous post.

And I’ve talked about my experiences peeking inside massive million-member lists that were practically worthless.

This is why I’m creating Quality Control, a training on how to build a high quality list of eventual buyers, not randos, bots or freebie seekers.

This is NOT FOR YOU if you need to make something happen fast.

These techniques will require an investment of time, money, or both.

This is hard work, and there are no shortcuts.

But if you are serious about building the most valuable long-term asset in your business the right way, here are the details:

Session 1 - Tues Dec. 5th, 4PM ET

Session 2 - Wed Dec. 6th 4PM ET

Session 3 - Thu Dec. 7th 4PM ET

Recordings will be available within 24 hours if you are unable to make the live trainings.

If you add even 100 high quality subscribers who each spend an average of $10 per month with this training, that’s an extra $1000 of revenue per month.

Because this is the foundation of an asset that pays you more and more over time, it would be completely reasonable to charge something north of $1000.

But for now, you can hop into this training for a single payment of $399.


There is also an option for 6 monthly payments of $69.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Hope you’re all having a great week,



or to participate.