Vacations are the worst

vacay brain

Vacations are the worst.

It takes me a day or two to get ready for them and at least a week to recover.

Here’s a picture from my vacation with no context:


Thankfully, when I go 7 days without doing anything business related, I have automated income still rolling in.

(Any emails you may have received were pre-written and scheduled before I left.)

I collected $7,771.49 while visiting rustic wineries, soaking in hot springs, and photographing mountain cows.

Anyways, taking a break is great for high level clarity.

When I got back, the first “businessy” thing I did was write down and refine my core business beliefs:

  1. Identify a painful problem shared by many people.

  2. Solve it in a unique and compelling way.

  3. If your Customer Lifetime Profit (CLP) is greater than your Cost to Acquire a Customer (CAC), you can become rich.

  4. If your Average Order Profit (AOP) is greater than your Cost to Acquire a Customer (CAC), you can become rich quickly.

I could write months of content going into detail about these 4 things.

And that’s probably what I’ll do.

Talk soon,


P.S. I hosted an Ask Me Anything Zoom call last week for the Mail Mages, but made a cut-and-paste mistake in the invite that caused half of them to show up after the call was over.

I blame Vacay Brain.

Anyways, to make it up to them, I’m hosting a BONUS call this Thursday.

If you aren’t already a Mail Mage but would like to sign up before the call, you can join through this link.

[Mail Mage membership comes with access to ALL Email Magic products and courses under $100, access to monthly Ask Me Anything calls and recordings, and Special Guest Trainings for $299 per month.]


or to participate.