Want a paid newsletter business?

my playbook

In case you haven’t noticed, this daily(ish) email newsletter is a business.

I make money in several ways by writing emails.

One of my revenue streams is from paid subscriptions.

People paying $9.99 per month or $99.00 per year for……what exactly?

Today I’m going to break it down, in case YOU’VE been wondering “How do you start a paid newsletter business?”

There’s more behind the scenes than just a paid newsletter.

But first, let me explain how this happened.

I started using Beehiiv in August of 2023. My original plan was to use it as a way to republish some of my “greatest hits” content in a way that was evergreen.

(With Beehiiv, you can turn emails into blog posts with the click of a button.)

I noticed that there was a “paid newsletter” feature, and I turned it on as an afterthought.

Within a week, someone paid $69.99 to sign up for annual access.

I had to quickly come up with something to deliver.

(I also raised the price to $9.99/ $99.)

I was determined to provide an experience that was at least 10 times more valuable than what someone paid.

Here’s what I’ve come up with so far:

  • Extended, deep dive trainings showing how I make money with this newsletter.

  • Monthly group Q&A calls.

  • Access to coaching/ Q&A through email.

  • First-in-line, beta test access to new things.

What are the results?

Well, I gave a 1-hour training to all paid subscribers right before Black Friday.

I broke down my best-performing BFCM campaign ideas.

Several attendees later reported they had their best BFCM ever, even their best sales day ever, as a result of the training:

Not bad ROI for $9.99 per month, right?

Today, Email Magic has 131 paid subscribers.

(Although some of them found an Easter Egg and are enjoying a 1-month free trial.)

Only one paying member has ever cancelled.

It’s going to well, I’m going to significantly raise the price later this spring.

(But only for new members. All existing members get their current pricing for the life of their membership.)

And no, this email is not a pitch for my paid newsletter.

I like the vibe of the current members, and am in no hurry to change it.

(Feel free to join if you want to, but I’m not twisting any arms.)

Instead, if you have been wondering whether YOU could create a paid newsletter business, I want to help you out.

First, answer these questions:

  • What can you help people with?

  • How can you do it in a unique way?

Then, deliver 10x what you charge.

You can use a mixed media format. Beehiiv lets you embed videos, images, and integrate with community platforms, in addition to sending emails and blog posts.

Once you outline a basic strategy, it’s just a matter of implementing things one by one.

I think this kind of thing is fun, so I’m personally helping people build paid newsletters who sign up for a Beehiiv paid plan through my link.

And they get 12 months of my paid subscription access for free, plus some other valuable bonuses.

If you’re serious about building your own paid newsletter business and want my (free) help and bonuses, learn more here.

Hey, if you create something cool, maybe I’ll pay to sign up.


P.S. Don’t believe you can help people in a unique way?

That’s a big problem if you want to build a business.

Maybe you just need to Find Your Voice.

But there’s a deadline today.

Paid subscriber and friend Stacey Lauren has built a business around helping people find their voice, and she’s good at it.

Stacey has helped hundreds of people to overcome fear and self-doubt, and begin work on the things they’ve always said they wanted to do:

  • Write a book

  • Start a podcast

  • Start a business

  • Pursue a relationship

And she has piles of testimonials from people who she has helped.

She is kicking off a 17-day challenge that could transform your life, if you are struggling to find your voice.

You can get 50% off through the link below.

But today is the deadline.

Want to find your voice?

  • using a proven framework

  • in the next 3 weeks

  • for less than $100?

If so, sign up through this link for 50% off.

Anyone who enrolls through my link will receive a surprise bonus worth over $500.

But I’m not sharing what it is until after enrollment closes.

Sign up quickly, the 17-day challenge is kicking off soon!


or to participate.