Will the real YOU please stand up?

the whole crowd goes so loud

What got you interested in this stuff?

Be honest.

For me, it was reading “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki over 20 years ago.

And then rekindled by Tim Ferris’s “4-Hour Workweek” a decade later.

Since then, I’ve learned from many mentors and been influenced by many thought leaders in business and entrepreneurship.

And I have a confession to make.

At the beginning, not only did I want what these people had, at some level I wanted to be them.

I don’t think it was a conscious choice but…

Whenever I was learning information from someone, I would also pick up and incorporate tiny pieces of their personality into my own.

Like strands of microplastics on a slice of American cheese.

Sometimes when I wrote or spoke, I would suddenly realize that those words had been placed there by mentor X. They were his or hers, not mine.

Did I even have any independent thoughts of my own?

Was there anything of value for me to share, or was I simply a parrot sitting on the shoulder of captain after captain?

But as time wore on, something new happened.

The ideas from mentor X and thought leader Y and all the others began to mix together, then solidify into something new.

Like a pint of chunky Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, but without the hippie smell.

Over time, as I put in the reps and practiced the craft, my voice became my own.

Sure, I have my influences.

And I continue to seek out smart people to learn from.

But now, I know who I am and what I stand for.

And I know that my voice carries weight. I humbly acknowledge that I have the power to influence and persuade behavior and beliefs.

Most days, I use this to make money.

But there are other applications….

Some nefarious, some noble.

The point is that everything I have learned from others has transformed into something greater than the individual parts.

And this is the gift I want to give to others through the copywriting and email marketing mentorship that begins next week.

Sure, the 60 days of weekly live instruction will teach lots of the sneaky psychological tricks and seductive semantics that I weave into my words…

But really, the point is to help you achieve what you want by becoming YOU in your writing, not someone else (including me).

I’m giving you a basket of ingredients and a book of starter recipes, but the goal is to make you a copywriting chef, not just a line cook.

So if you’ve ever wanted the power to communicate your thoughts in a way that changes people’s minds and behavior, maybe this is for you.

I won’t turn you into a carbon copy clone of me.

There’s only one me, baby, and it ain’t you.

But remember, there’s only ONE of YOU too.

If you want help giving that YOU a voice, hit reply and I’ll share the details.

This 5-person training cohort starts next week, and 2 of the spots are already taken.

That means the remaining 3 spots are first come first served, and enrollment closes this Thursday, August 29.

If you want in or want more details, hit reply.

Hope to see you soon,



or to participate.