How to write emails fast

premium inputs

On Friday I recorded a conversation with my friend Ben.

The main topic was how each of us writes good emails fast.

(Ben helped a semi-famous eCommerce brand scale to 8 figures with email last year. Then he launched his own brand and is already closing in on $1MM annual revenue.

He’s pretty good with email.)

Both of us revealed that our process today looks different than when we first started-

In the beginning, there were Templates.

But over time, we learned the techniques and principles behind the templates.

It’s the difference between Paint By Numbers and Picasso.

Or Mac & Cheese and a Michelin star.

The hard truth is that you cannot go fast until you are good.

But once you are good, fast is the only speed.

How do you get good?

Quality inputs + consistent outputs.

I still buy courses on copywriting, persuasion, storytelling, and email marketing.

A constant stream of golden thread to weave throughout my emails.

Which I force myself to create on the daily.

Do I have any quality inputs to recommend, you ask?

Of course.

But instead of pointing you towards another book, course, or email list, I’m in the process of bringing my own beloved mentors directly to you.

Earlier in February, we were joined by million dollar copywriter and life coach Sean McCool.

(Premium subscribers can access the recording here.)

I am booking more guest experts with 6, 7, and 8 figure resumes, one per month from here on out.

If you want access to these live calls and recordings, it’s only $99 per year.

You can also check out the video with Ben, for some more strategies for writing money making emails fast:


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